Kelvin image


I am an exceptional developer, known for my mastery in the fields of cybersecurity, blockchain, and web/mobile development technologies. my expertise extends beyond traditional development, as I possess exceptional proficiency in writing smart contracts, demonstrating my deep understanding of blockchain technology and its applications. I have also showcased exceptional leadership qualities as a project manager, effectively leading teams and delivering successful outcomes. my relentless pursuit of excellence, coupled with my unwavering dedication, positions me as a true trailblazer in the world of technology.


Python 90%
C++ 70%
Solidity & Swift 85%







My Weekends

As a Software Developer, I actively engage in self-improvement and personal well-being. My routine includes reading to stay updated on industry trends, incorporating early morning workouts for a healthy lifestyle, and watching a wide variety of documentaries to enhance my knowledge of society overall. Additionally, I enjoy exploring new coffee shops, adding a social and experiential dimension to my routine. This balanced approach reflects my commitment to professional growth, physical health, and a well-rounded lifestyle.

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